Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Interlude #3, Things I've Mis-typed at Work

I've decided that I will try to write a larger blog post and then follow it up with a short, flippant kind of post as a general pattern.  We'll see how it goes.  

But anyway:

Apart from the general flubs and, heh, interesting spellings that I manage to make while typing away, I find that there are always a few that make me laugh every now and again.  I cannot tell you how many times I have misspelled my own name when typing a work email (I've corrected all of them that I know of) and originally typed "Skwyard" instead of the correct "Skyward," in addition to all of the other moments where my fingers seemed to get overeager and ahead of themselves.  

Here, though, are some humorous ones.  

  • "It's oaky not to have a solid answer."  This one I appreciated for its accidental pun.
  • Instead of typing "UNC path" I typed in "UNCE."  As in "unce unce unce unce" and other makeshift techno music.
  • Typed "yore" instead of "your."  
  • Whenever I type "me" instead of "my" I have to say the rest of the sentence like a pirate.  
  • One day, I wrote "fiends" instead of "fields" and had a good maniacal laugh.  
Thankfully, I've yet to have anything come back and bite me as of yet.  I've had to restate some things that auto-correct oh so helpfully changed.  Yes, yes, first world problems, I know.  

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