Monday, January 11, 2016

Mandatory New Year Reflection

Well, here we are starting out a new year.    

Frankly, I'm still reeling from seeing a good chunk of my family, the travel, and all of the other events and aspects of the season that demand a part of my time.  I've taken to saying that Andy and I are very blessed that there are quite a few people that want to spend time with us.  Sure, I enjoy it, but it is unequivocally exhausting.  As ever, lots of things have happened and lots of things have changed, and yet the world keeps turning.  

My brother and I have a superstition, one that was bought to our attention by my cousin Andrew.  I don't much buy into superstition, but there are a few that I cannot shake.  For example, when someone dies, I'm wondering where the next two are--funerals seem to come in threes.  Noticed that especially when I lived at home, since Dad was officiating at least some of them.  This one, though, might be a little less common:  the way that you spend your New Year's Eve, how it goes, how much you enjoy it, etc. reflects to the rest of your year.  

Last year, for example (New Year's Eve turning into 2015), I spent it with my family in the Wisconsin Dells.  I was frustrated with some of the stuff my body was doing and otherwise tired out, but it was overall a good time.  Of course, when I look at things, I will find a way to apply them, but I went through a serious part of this year pretty certain that I was going to sign on for a proctectomy, meaning that I would be pooping in a bag for the rest of my life.  A lot of that was sheer frustration, in how slow my body seemed to be responding to anything.  And I was feeling low, in well-being and in body.  It was also something that I could do, a step that I could take, and that was much more tempting than waiting.

But a few pieces of good news had me wait.  And I'm very glad to report that things are moving in the right directions.  A year and a couple months worth on some new medications and things are at a state that I will officially call "better."  My energy lasts longer, the bad days aren't quite as terrible, and the general average of blah is less than it has been in quite some time.  Not that I will be climbing Mt. Everest any time soon, mind you, but I am able to fill a few more things into my schedule or at least move about my full schedule in a better state of comfort and more present in the moment for worrying just a little less.  

So there were worries, but overall good.

How did I spend this year's New Year's Eve?  Andy and I were relieved to have a night in to ourselves.  We could relax, pop in a movie, and I opted to go to bed after the Eastern Countdown because Andy was still going to be my first kiss of the New Year, even if it wasn't going to be technically midnight in our time zone.  Well, that, and I was tired and Andy wanted to play World of Tanks.  So we had the time to be together and we also could make our independent decisions.  I was feeling more optimistic about my health than I had in a long time, too.

What does this mean for the new year?  I think that we will continue to see progress in the health spectrum, if only because I'm an optimist.  I think Andy and I will be exhausted for wanting to spend so much time with other people that we forget to rest.  Other than that, I'm content to let things happen as they will.

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