Thursday, May 18, 2017

Our New Pool Table

A small excerpt from the Peterson Household:

So Andy has had a life goal of having a pool table.  Naturally, this was not an option in our previous residence, but upon moving, Andy quickly sized up our new basement and started plotting.  The ideal was a slate table, something that we could enjoy a casual game whenever we wanted to.  I was not opposed to the idea, however I was watching the moving costs and keen on not spending any more money at the moment, aside from some kind of extraordinary deal.   

Well, Andy has uncanny luck for finding good deals.  He found a new table from Sears for $200.  However, after we received notification that delivery was completed, we were very confused to have a pool cue and no other piece of the table in question.  Long story short, Sears messed up and we came out with a free $200 pool cue and a lot of ill-will to Sears for how little they were interested in helping us.  Andy was disappointed but undeterred. 

And THEN, he found a table on Craigslist.  Being out of town, he asked if I was okay going to take a look at it.  While I wasn't pleased, I told some people where I was going (with a well-being check-in time established) and went to look at it anyway.  The fellow who sold it to us was very pleasant and, for a small fee, helped us move it in.  I stayed out of the way for that one, but it involved a lot of grunting, a small gouge in the wall, some lightbulbs/light fixtures we had to put back once the table made it past that point, and a couple trips to Lowe's for a few screws and nails that needed to be replaced after dismantling. 

Andy set immediately, then, to a gleeful reassembly.  I stayed upstairs, a couple shades of annoyed:  the timing was rushed, the final product wasn't exactly what Andy wanted, we were recovering financially from moving, and it had involved a reshuffling of schedules a couple times over.  But at least Andy was happy with it, feeling accomplished in meeting that goal.  Eventually,  Andy called me down to test out his new table. 

And now we get to the part I want to tell today. 

Andy sets up for the first game.  We put the triangle to the side and he lined up for the break.  One sharp hit, the crack of the balls scattering away, and the cue ball went right into the pocket--instant loss.  I had a good long laugh and asked if he wanted to play again.  He scowled. 

So then we set up for a second game.  I broke on this one, getting us off to a new start.  After a few balls in, Andy connects with one ball, sending the 8-ball right into a pocket, slow motion "no no no no no!" and all.  He had a long sigh as I started laughing again. 

Third game, Andy was determined that this was going to go better.  He got a ball in on the break and proceeded to get a commanding lead, knocking in one after the other.  While I still had three balls left on the table, Andy was ready to call his final shot.  He aims, and sinks the 8-ball in...followed immediately by the cue ball. 
Why have you betrayed me, table?

Between bouts of laughter, I declared that winning 3-0 was enough for one night and headed upstairs, feeling much more cheerful about the prospect of our new pool table than I had before. 

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