Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Adulting Achievement Unlocked!

Hey, all!  I have something fun and exciting to share with you today.

Notice anything different about this face? 
I mean, it's a nice face
Whelp.  That is a face of a man free from college debt.  Andy's student loans are completely paid off.  Need another look there? 
Again, totally nice face.
Don't blame you at all for wanting another look.
Notice that the worry around the eyes is incrementally less.  The smile, while indulgent of my shenanigans, has a little edge of relief in it.  

Andy and I have been managing our budget and snowballing our debt a piece at a time.  To hit his milestone as at this point in our lives, with how ridiculously expensive college has become, the irresponsible exploitation of student loans in our society today, and the missing reflection in average wages, is kind of a big deal.  I've been managing the budget and the finances; Andy has been good to remind me that it's okay to give ourselves a reward from time to time, to celebrate the progress we've made, particularly around the arrival of Melvin and subsequent expenses (and short-term disability instead of a normal paycheck)--we could not have made it through that process so smoothly without the help of many wonderful people in our lives.

There are a few new financial goals to tackle next, but we're adding in saving money as part of that, some of which is specifically for whatever adventure we want to tackle next.  It's nice to feel that kind of hope.

...Particularly as we look toward the 42K of debt still attached to my name. 

One step at a time, my friends.

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