Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Peterson Family Update #82969 Epsilon

Things are a weird kind of everything right now, where thoughts are rolling in different directions which means that it is time once again to deploy the bulleted list!

  • I've been trying to teach Luna a new trick:  for "roll over," I'm telling her "Do a barrel roll."  It's involved physically rolling a very confused pup many, many times, but now she will do it about 90% on her own power.  The remaining 10% is that I have to lead her head over her own body and sometimes nudge her when she gets a little stuck.  I'm planning my next trick already, trying to sort out how to break it into better increments.  I'm having fun doing it; she seems to appreciate the intellectual stimulation...but mostly the cheese.
  • I am trying a new gardening strategy.  It is "do better at not murdering the plants."  Specifically, I have been given a total of three bonsai trees.  I have killed two of them and seem to be on my way for a third.  The cool pot that I had moved it into, it had no drainage.  And quite a few weeks later, I realized the color was off and tried to water it more consistently, probably exacerbating the everything.  When we went to check it, branches snapped off in my hand.  It has since been trimmed, repotted, and we'll see what happens next.
  • In that vein of everything, one of my favorite things about this house is the magnolia tree--it's gorgeous this week.
  • Training for the new job starts tonight at Carle!  I've gone through fingerprinting, drug screening, a physical, handed over my immunization records, and I successfully have both nurse tech training and my first three shifts as a nurse tech sorted out.  The plan is to work as a CNA until my nursing boards are squared away and then go through orientation pieces for my RN duties.  It's feeling quite and very real now.  
  • I have been preparing all of March to get ahead and lighten the load of April.  And I'm glad to say that I have been successful in that endeavor, much to my own confusion.  I mean it is logical that I'm reaping the benefits of my efforts, but it's difficult to switch gears, after being pedal to the metal for so long.  So, I'm catching up on TV series while still trying to figure out what I must have forgotten to do that day.  Or I'm reading a fun book wondering if I'm missed a textbook chapter.  Changing pace is difficult.  There's also some general confusion in seeing the results of my hard work.  I know that sounds weird, but the goal of "find work as a nurse" has been something that I was working on for years, between researching, debt reduction, saving, and prerequisite coursework.
  • Andy has been branching into some streaming lately!  You can watch streams (live and past) on Twitch or edited on YouTube.  He's been streaming Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, and the Donkey Kong Country titles.  One of my favorite things is to hear the panic squawking.
And that's the short of it.  More adventures and hijinks sure to come.  

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