Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Lights(aber)

We're getting more in the spirit here, in the Little Peterson household.  After claiming out tree from storage, it is up and glowing.  Most of our Christmas shopping is done and wrapped, except for a few more still in transit.  

Of course we have a music theme
However, there has been something else glowing in our house...

I have the two moods represented here.  To the right, serious face, the "I am a badass and have a lightsaber" face.  To the left, the giddy "I have an awesome, shiny new toy" face.  In fact, owning a lightsaber apparently involves a lot more prancing than I had expected.  Every so often now, I hear the PISSAH starting sound and giggling coming from the other room.  Andy has taken to using his lightsaber as a flashlight, rather than turning on a light in a room as he moves around the house.  And then serious face will come back as he takes a couple swings at some invisible foe, the blade making the appropriate noises.  

It's another thing that makes our house what it is, allowing our geeky side to come out.  No big soapbox today; just wanted to share that with you.

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