Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Progress Report

**Mandatory Progress Report**
I've set out some goals for myself over the last while and I need to document for my own sake how things have progressed, if only to help keep the on keeping on.
  • Piano Lessons--tonight was the first night that I forgot my music to my piano lesson (first time in over a year, mind you).  That's a win in and of itself.  But all in all, I think I'm getting pretty well close to if not surpassing where I left off when I stopped lessons last time.  I'm trying harder material and getting through it.  I might even be officially intermediate now instead of beginner. 
  • Health--overall, we're definitely on a good path.  I've been long enough on the new medication and seen enough improvement that I will officially say that the new meds are working for me.  I've seen signficate improvement overall to my general wellbeing.  I don't see blood in my stool, I can eat a wider range of things, and my energy levels are much better as a whole.  Through my new diet, I've also lost at least fifteen pounds HEALTHFULLY (as opposed to Crohn's complications).  
  • Exercise--I've been working on incorporating exercise again.  It starts and stops as things ebb and flow, when I have an off week or something crops back up again to knock me on my butt for a little while longer.  That's frustrating on many levels to have to start and stop, yet this is still a good deal better that where I was last year.  
  • Attitude--feeling more optimistic as a whole progress thing.  Generalized status is optimistic with the knowledge that I've been through tougher things before if we start on a downward spiral again.
  • And this blog--I have hit fifty posts, ya'll!  That's a lovely little benchmark.  I've very much enjoyed writing out random thoughts and delving into others by writing them out.  I've been re-reading some of my more favorite posts and resisting the urge to go back and edit.  Wherever I was at, that was a snapshot of what I was feeling then and the perspective that I have now, even in this short of time, can be quite interesting.  Here's to another fifty more!
Whatever you are doing to improve yourself, keep going!  Read a book a week, exercise once more a month than you have been, whatever goals you are setting for yourself.  Keep at it!  Any time is a good time to start a habit that will improve you.  

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