Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Things at a Baseball Game

  • Delightfully greasy food (declared guilt-free by means of birthday weekend)
  • A great view of the outfield
  • Young boys yelling "Right here!  Hit it here!" and pointing to their ball gloves
  • A bachelor party that showed up already sloshed
  • High fives with strangers when we score a run
  • A very real wish that I had remembered to grab sunblock
  • Over-sized beverages
  • The best kind of chanters behind us, starting a weird, collective cheer to distract the center fielder
  • The same part of the same song that you couldn't get out of your head from the third inning
  • Fireworks
  • A pair of girls in front of me spending an inning or two just taking pictures of themselves
  • A man screaming "COTTON CANDY," seemingly unaware of the irony between the harshness of his tone and the innocence of his product
  • Dancing with my father for the dance cam even though I was worried about tripping over my purse and subsequently the row in front of me
  • Extra innings
  • Watching clusters of people "dancing" or whatever the current demand was with one eye on the board to see if their efforts were validated
  • A solid, echoing crack of a bat
  • A sea of wriggling Abreu "Bleacher Creatures" (the giveaway before the game, see below) whenever he was up to bat
  • One snazzy, behind-the-back pass to get a runner out
  • Musing that people are never quite so animated as when they might get free stuff
  • "Take me Out to the Ballgame" being sung when we're already there
  • Clap. Clap. Clap-ca-clap-clap-clap.
  • Good company
Abreu says bu-bye!

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