Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Last One Before Surgery

I'm not sure how to form something cohesive at this point, so I think it's time for a bulleted list of various thoughts.
  • Pulling something out of my ass in the will now be a real feat for me or otherwise stress how the answer literally came from nowhere.
  • There have been enough comments about my new hair cut that I have started to wonder if my old one was that bad.  Not really, just playfully.
  • Chicago Blackhawks v Minnesota Wild!  Would you believe tickets were a lot cheaper at the Xcel Ice Center than they were for the United Center?  Had to enjoy some poutine. 
  • I have rehearsed and recited a couple of important statements to make sure that I tell my doctor regarding my care, one of which is about a medication that I will not be taking because A) my body doesn't react to it well and B) at this point I've had so many arguments about this particular medication that it's a place where I enforce my patient's rights on principle; I will not be talked into something I do not want.
  • I had a friend with me for my last work onsite.  Our mutual brainmelt is captured in the following quote from supper:  "I am the master of my own bread!"
  • ALSO the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile was at the hotel just next door to ours on that onsite and made me far happier than it should have.
  • When I look in the mirror, I feel pretty good about myself.  I wonder how long it will take to feel that again.
  • Had the opportunity to see a work buddy that I talk to online all the time in person, since we made a stop in St. Paul--shout-out to Max and Chris!
  • I will not miss how my butt hurts, strategizing how to sit, and how it can go from okay to not okay in a short period of time. Looking forward to having some of that freedom back, freedom from pain ultimately.
  • Picked up a new hat!
  • Have officially reached the point, pretty much as soon as I got in the car, where I knew I had done everything that I can at this point. It's time to ride it out. I have been proactive. I have covered my bases. I recognize that the rest is out of my control, and there is peace in that. I can tell you with some degree of certainty exactly when I will be anxious on surgery day, but I am mostly okay leading up to it.
  • At the Mall of America, fit the four of us onto the Fairly Odd Coaster and had a blast. Loved watching Andy's eyes go wide when we went into a blind drop. 
  • Our first appointment with the surgeon went well.  Normally appointments with this doctor feel really rushed, as though everyone is perpetually running late, but we addressed all of our questions, and I left feeling heard, which was most important to me at this point.  I will also be his only case that day, since it has the potential to go long, depending on the state of everything once they're inside.  
  • We're reading Guards! Guards! to each other on the drive. I would say Terry Pratchett was a great choice. Andy and I adore Errol.  
  • Fulfilling a few of our traditions has been fun as usual, including some sushi and out to see a movie.  This year's choice:  Thor:  Ragnarok.  And it was a treat.
  • Day before surgery involved a clear liquids diet.  This equates to cranky Larissa, and I reserve the right to be cranky while going through this prep process.  A whole friggin' bottle of Miralax, for starters.  Ugh.
  • Have a spot on my belly marked where the ostomy nurse feels would be my best spot for the new ostomy, based on how my body creases naturally.  A blue dot placed ominously and innocently on my abdomen.
  • I will also have a couple of surgical drains on the way out.  Not my favorite thing.  There's a bulb attached to a tube that goes into the potential abscess site.  This tube is stitched in place and keeps suction on the area, keeping gunk out and helping prevent infection.  This means for a time I will be scared of doorknobs, since this is less than fun to get caught on one.  
  • There are a lot of variables that we just won't understand until we're on the other side, so at least at this point I'm content to wait on most of my questions--no sense in worrying about some things until we have a better idea of the state of them.  This means I feel oddly collected.  There are still points where I take a breath, "there is fear," and breathe out.  
  • Entourage and support from home has been fantastic.  Thank you all for your kind words and warm thoughts.  
 And otherwise, well, I'll have more to say again soon. Surgery check-in time is officially 0600, which means the surgery is probably around 0730 or 0800.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the other side, my friends.

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