Thursday, May 17, 2018

Larissa Takes a Stand

I have long waffled on how inflammatory to be on certain subjects.  On the one hand, I do not want to instigate an argument if it's not needed or won't be productive, while on the other I recognize that this fear can ultimately lead to too much self-censure.  I have tried to be gracious about giving the benefit of the doubt to the point where I have not said some things at all, which ultimately can read as complacency.  Whelp, I intend to purge a few of these out today.  I could very easily write an entire blog post on each of these, but the main point today is just to get them out there.
  • Vaccines do NOT cause autism and their ingredients are safe taken in the prescribed amounts, unless (in the rare situation) you are specifically allergic or immuno-compromised.  The evidence for this is overwhelming.
  • Black Lives Matter.  This statement does not (and never has) meant that other groups don't matter but instead highlights the inequity of treatment to this demographic that is patently unfair and racially motivated.  Furthermore, they are not a hate group.  The purpose of this group is to highlight the effects of systemic racism and make steps to rectify it, particularly in our justice system.  On that note, White Privilege is a thing.
  • Science and religion are not incompatible. 
  • Forcing your religious beliefs on another person is not okay.  As an example, I have yet to hear a good argument against gay marriage that does not involve Judeo-Christian beliefs, regardless of whether those individuals looking to get married hold said beliefs.
  • I would also like to be clear that the God I know loves everybody.  There are no exceptions for race, sexuality, gender, nationality, or whatever other barrier one might try to erect.  
  • Free speech means that you can say what you want (barring safety issues like shouting "fire!" in a public space), but it does NOT guarantee you an audience nor protect you from the results of such speech.  If you come out with a false, vitriolic stance on something, people calling you out on your bullshit is not infringing your right to speech.  This rule is to protect you from the government punishing you, not from all consequences.  Similarly, if no one chooses to listen or host your event, that is also not infringing on your right to speech; again, you are not guaranteed an approving or even a placid audience. 
  • Climate Change is real.  The evidence is overwhelming (differing only in the degree/speed it is happening [and most studies that stated otherwise have since been proved to have flawed methods], which in any case is too damn fast), and we are heavily contributing to it.  Even on the very slimmist of possibilities the projections don't happen, doing an extra something and being wrong is FAR less costly (financially, ethically, and in many, many other ways) that doing nothing and being right.  
  • Even if we don't like people, we're still social creatures and we have to get along with each other.  You can only play "Biggest Kid on the Playground" for so long before everyone else goes to a different playground without you.  We have the capacity to get along with each other even if we disagree.
That's enough for this round.  

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