Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy Blogiversary!

So, some of you may have noticed a recent uptick in posts in the last few months.  I've mentioned before that I've started putting some dedicated writing time into my schedule and that has helped immensely as far as ensuring that content exists, but sometimes I still only come out with one decent post or start something that needs more attention later.  There are a number of half-baked posts that I've started and come back or end up incorporating the ideas into something else or occasionally delete it out of my drafts page.  Occasionally, I realize after posting the Tuesday post that I have something important that needs to be added and make a quick-mini post for Thursdays.  It depends.  

The scheduled time helps but doesn't guarantee that I'll have anything to actually post.  The original benefit of the scheduled time was more about keeping in the discipline of writing, making sure that I am in the habit of creating.  I find that this helps ideas flow more smoothly--I mean, practice is always a good thing--and otherwise helps me keep my eyes open for more things to write about, since my self-enforced posting schedule keeps me writing instead of getting caught in that lull between projects.  

The question, then, as I face Thursday in the week, is when to hold back on a bonus post and when to push it forward.  Heck, there are some weeks where I'm not sure if I'll have anything to post on Tuesday.  When I look toward the weekend, I may or may not be able to follow through on my writing time when we have some other plans sitting on the weekend or perhaps even with the time I still won't have much left to sit on.  Staying on my schedule and occasionally posting on Thursdays involves a bit of faith.  I have to trust that I'll be able to produce something.  

I worry about quality as I ensure that consistency.  I worry about making sure that I have enough to pad the weeks if its needed.  I overthink about the timing of certain posts and when to hold some of them back.  There comes a point where I'm not sure whether or not to put certain thoughts out there or let them cool until I can check them again with fresh eyes.  

Then I go back to read old blog posts.  There are things that I would rather change.  There are minor typos that I cannot believe I missed.  There are overly didactic posts or some elements that come out more condescending or preachy than I had intended.  But then there are some good moments that shine out anyway, at least in my opinion.  I remember where I was both emotionally and sometimes physically when I wrote some of these different components.  I remember which ones were hard to write and why.  I remember how some posts instigated different conversations with people in ways I hadn't expected.  

Pouring out these ideas has meant a lot to me and it has meant things to other people.  What I take from that is that it is usually best to get out of my own way.  I trust that words will come, that new ideas will happen in time (even if they're not necessarily good ones).  Making content, creating things with regularity and intent:  I'm still immensely glad for having started this blog three years ago.  This post marks the 170th which while not a nice round number is still a good one.  

Happy anniversary, all!  Thank you for being a part of it.

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