Tuesday, August 14, 2018


It's been a long summer.  Well, long in the sense of packed full of things.  Short in my overall sensation of passing time.  I don't know how it can be that the days are long but the weeks are so short, but here we are.  

Work is hella busy over the summer.  Schools are trying to make any and all big changes over the summer before students and teachers return, which includes ending out the old school year well (with all of the paperwork that implies), ensuring components are in place for the new year, and any new inservice trainings for staff, in addition to any sites hoping to simplify or restructure other components from the school year and any new sites that we are onboarding, with all of the last minute panic that implies.  We have to be a calm, guiding presence, remembering specifics about different school situations (was this one on trimesters or semesters?  is this site K-8 only?  did I teach the clients this session or did another rep?).  

Yeah, I'm ready for October, please.

I'm tired. My brain is pudding that had then been boiled, chilled, and then pulled out the next day to experience the same again.  As such, my normal protections and solutions for anxiety and depression are worn thin.

When you're stressed out, people will recommend doing something relaxing, taking a walk or coloring or whathaveyou. I find that when my mind is going in sixteen directions at once, that is the opposite of helpful. In fact, I've been missing sleep because the going to bed process involves a lot of quiet. So, I've been evaluating what techniques actually do work for me and what don't.

I have been stress eating. Once I figured that's what was happening, I feel in the completely opposite direction, rededicating myself back into my keto diet to try to reestablish control. And one better, I started a new workout routine. That's fine, except that I didn't make any changes with the old one, meaning Insanity in the morning and Zumba in the afternoon. Last Friday, as I was feeling suddenly very, very tired at the end of Zumba class, I thought maybe it was too much of a good thing. Responding with healthy changes can be too much of a good thing, too, depending on how I go about them.

So here's what does work for me.  
1.  Zumba.  This has to be one of my favorite work-outs.  Sometimes, the right thing to do is Angry Dance to get out some of that internal anger/anxiety.  
Perhaps like that, but without the gymnastics stunt double.  :)

2.  Movies that I have to be engrossed in, not something that can be ignored or sits as white noise.  
3.  Problems and puzzles and games that really engage the mind.  
4.  Write.  Work out the root of the issue by journaling, blogging, whether or not it's something I end up posting, it just gets it out there.  

The connection with these is that the mind had to focusing on something else, it can't be going through all the possibilities of everything for at least that little while.  If the mind cannot focus on anything else, that's a winner.  That is relief my friends.

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