Thursday, October 10, 2019


Folks, I'll just come right out and say it:  Andy and I started our marriage with about 65K of student debt and we haVE MANAGED TO PAY OFF OUR STUDENT LOANS.  


All of it.  All 65K.  DONE.

WHAT. A. RELIEF.  I still don't fully comprehend it yet!

I'm not going to turn this into a "if I could do it anyone can do it!" kind of bullshit.  There was a lot of hard work, strategizing, and tough decisions that went into this, but there was also a fair bit of luck.  We are both managers at 32 and in a position that pays a living wage that also had a healthcare plan that worked for our needs--this is not a typical scenario.  Having family and friends that demonstrated kindness and support had an impact.  Not having any children, not having a expensive pet, these have also contributed.  Having good credit helped.  Living in an area with a comparatively lower cost of living helped.  

Andy and I are not the norm--Andy and I have beaten the odds.  

While my joy is deep and vast, I feel all the more firmly that I would wish this relief for all of my peers, the thousands upon thousands of Millennials disparing under their own student loans, as well as anyone who went back for a Master's degree after a certain point.  This kind of debt is a recent phenomena and not something that should be continuing.  The burden of student loans is staggering and crippling and crushing and debilitating and many, many people have frankly given up ever paying them off.  The Millennials I know want to live securely, not lavishly, as though I were talking to someone explaining depression-era dreams.  I don't know many that have dreams of millions or a yacht when affordable healthcare and rent is a much more pressing concern.

It is possible, my friends.  I won't say that everyone can do it, because life isn't so simple.  For those that need the hope, it is possible.  For those who have prayed and loved us through this process, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  

Time to celebrate!

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