Tuesday, November 5, 2019

[Insert Witty Title Here]

Well, it's Tuesday morning, and frankly I have nothing prepared for the blog.

I'm finding a small moment with my thoughts between getting the kettle going and setting up the French press for some coffee (some of the Hawaii coffee we brought back, specifically).  

The truth is (and you may have inferred by the week where I neglected to post anything) that I've been having some difficulty in finding that right writing space of late.  I think, though, that I've at least pinpointed part of the problem:  I've not allowed myself to sit with my thoughts much recently.  The closest I have been was in going to therapy, a fascilitated self-reflection.  

I miss that time.

But with work as busy as its been, the class I'm taking, trying to arrange all the other doctor appointments before our deductible reboots again, a smattering of hanging out, and a two week vacation in a time zone five hours removed, I haven't taken this space.  And, boy, am I feeling it.

As I'm waking in the morning, I prefer to slowly acclimate to the day, a hold-over for when I literally needed an hour for my morning medications to kick in before I could approach any semblance of functioning.  But I like being able to drift through the process of readying, letting my mind wander while I dry off or put on makeup or whathaveyou.  In the last few weeks, I've had something on more or less constantly, a new YouTube video queued up behind the next to keep a constant drone of noise.  It's an escape, but I'm not wholly sure what from yet because I haven't stopped to ask.  

It's not that I need to plan in more "me time;" it's more that I need to restructure how I'm doing it.  

I've let a number of habits go recently.  And there is a natural ebb and flow to other facets of my life, where this might simply be a "season" that needs to pass through.  I've used NaNoWriMo a couple of times to get me back into writing, either by completing it or, as in the past few years of this blog, acknowledging the spirit of it.  I'm trying to pinpoint what other instigators I need to jumpstart those other habits again.  

And it starts with sitting with myself.  No added input.  No directed thoughts.  Between meetings, between conversations, between pauses of breath.  

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