Thursday, July 9, 2015

Trying Something New. Well, Sort-of-New.

I feel compelled to create, and I have stopped creating recently.  I’ve been away from home, so I cannot play leftover roulette (the game to see what you can make that will use up the most leftovers in one meal—challenging and productive to clean out the fridge).  I forget to bring drawing materials, so staring at a blank page and trying to think of something worth drawing hasn’t worked out onsite either.  Words, though, are blessedly portable, and recording instruments of some kind are effectively as important as clothing in this day and age when I can pull out my phone and scribble out some nonsense rushing between my ears.  In the absence of creation, it’s a certain kind of pressure that builds.


Ah, much better. 

When I was studying abroad in Scotland, I had a series of emails that I sent out every other week, calling it my “Holy Crap, I’m in Scotland!” emails, or HCIIS for short.  I looked forward to making them, watching the world in a different way while I considered what components and observations I wanted to bring up in the next installment.  I certainly had no shortage of things to talk about, with the places I found and the people I met. 

But let’s be honest, here:  I never seem to have a shortage of things to talk about.  And I will certainly have my own unique way of saying it.  I invite you to follow if you choose.  I will write either way, but it is a bit more fun to have an audience.  I otherwise will not demand likes or subscriptions, comments or shares, or whatever else is typically demanded, though certainly feedback is appreciated.  I cannot promise that the content will be specifically slanted in one direction or another, than certain opinions won’t filter in, that posts will even have the same mood, or anything similar, and nor will I.  The world is not one shade or volume but a range of many, and so is our experience in it.  Some entries might be crass, some decidedly more eloquent, perhaps a snippet of a half-formed story idea, but at least I hope it will be some flavor of entertaining.  

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad ur back to your 'hciis' roots ;) so much lurve n miss you- good to see ur ramblings again my dear /huggles n i'll be watchin fer new posts ps we need to hang soon ;)
