Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Some Actual Discursive Thoughts

Since I have started this blog, I'm always seeking new things to write about and different tangents to take us on--and it should go without saying that the best of these ideas happen when I am unable to do anything about them.  Driving, working, whatever.  Sometimes I remember what I had semi-crafted in my mind, sometimes I don't; I guess they weren't good enough if I cannot remember them.  

Naturally what follows is that when I do sit down to create a post, there has been more than one occasion where I stare at the screen and nothing happens.  I'm not terribly worried about these moments--there will be blog posts that are better than others.  The idea is to keep creating anyway.  Also, the contrast between posts will at least keep us all guessing.  

As such, for now I will be listing out a few of the random thoughts/events that have come to me recently and managed to stick.

  • There was a Mini-Cooper in front of me today on the road with the license plate "PIP PIP."  I found this quite hilarious and was upset that I couldn't grab a picture before it turned out of reach.  
  • I chose my meal tonight at this Mom and Pop Mexican restaurant in Cloverdale because it was the only item on the menu that had something other than solely the description of what was in it, specifically "Mmmm ¡Que rico!"  I know, because I checked.  
  • I feel like I've been talking about myself too much or the job too much when clients ask me questions about me or work, and yet I'm just answering their questions.  I don't know how much we should get to know each other.
  • How many people are genuinely good at names?  I've heard many, many people apologize in advance for being terrible with names, but how many people go the other way?  And is it better for them just to pretend they don't know so that the person who forgot does not feel bad about not remembering in return?  Can we collectively stop apologizing and accept that names slip our minds sometimes?
  • I went down to the pool last night to relax and had my ear talked off by a lovely retired couple.  When/what indicators in a conversation help us figure out when it is okay to swear in front of the other party?  Because they eventually felt comfortable enough with me to work their way over to it.  If not swearing, politics--when is that okay?  Wonder how that line is established by different people.
  • Penguins have knees.  They just hide them well.  
  • I had a very stressful site recently with work.  I stuck with what I needed to teach them and more than once had to stop, take a deep breath, and recite in my head "Not my circus, not my monkeys."  Where did this phrase originate from?
  • I continue to worry about stressing out more than anything else because it's cyclical like that.
  • I am actually not at all upset with seeing Minions absolutely everywhere.  
  • I can tell no difference when I'm in Illinois vs Indiana.  I have to stop and think about where I am.  This seems odd to me, as though Indiana should feel foreign somehow. 
  • Who do you complain to if the "Complain" button isn't working?
  • I feel that prepositions are the most confusing part of another language, when to use which one.
Could I make a full-blown blog post out of any of these?  Sure, I have the English Major Power to turn one paragraph into a full, ten page paper; there is an art to taking a long time to say absolutely nothing (**cough** ask a politician **cough**).  As for now, though, this is a fun sort of list and I'm content to leave it as such--we'll see what needs to be revisited as time goes by.  

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