Monday, November 23, 2015

One of my Favorite Things

So this weekend saw one of my favorite things happen once again:  The Festival of Trees.  This event has sparked off the Christmas season in my mind for a few years now, that first genuine hint of real holiday wonder and excitement all in one space.  This year, I made it there twice, once with my parents and a car-full from their new church and another time with a few of Andy and my friends that had not experienced it before.  I have been telling random strangers about it the whole week leading up to it.

For those that haven't heard of Festival of Trees, it has been going on for twenty-two years now, brought to the Baby Fold by Ralph Dude, God rest him.  People and groups will take a tree, full-sized or short, and decorate it.  Some are really classy, some take a theme and go off running with it--the year that Frozen came out, there were at least three Frozen-themed trees--and some are in honor some a person or a cause.  In addition to the trees, there are now table settings, wreaths, art pieces, gingerbread houses, signed memorabilia, and more.  Sometimes, the trees come with tickets to an event or a spa day or one year a plumbing company decorated a tree and threw in a free toilet and sink.  All of these donations are then bid on, all of the money going to the Baby Fold.  What's really cool, too, was that these things have been donated, even by the celebrity factor, at the simple asking.  We saw large donations volunteered just at the asking on opening night.  It's amazing what can happen when you just ask.

And it is truly a worthy cause.  The Baby Fold is an organization that helps with adoption services, foster care, family counseling, care for wards of the state and students with special needs, and more.  I have known many people touched by the work of this organization.  

So there you have it--great cause and super, happy, holiday factor.  I will share a few of my favorites with you from this year.  

A well done gingerbread house, done by an 11-year old, if I remember correctly
Stylish, classy theme
And a well-executed whimsical theme
And some weird themes that can work
Cthulhu Santa demands your cheer.

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