Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Shameless Plug

Hey, all!

Andy, Janna, and I (along with several other members of the community) will be taking part in a performance of Verdi's Requiem this Friday (10/21/16) at 8 p.m.  If you are in shouting distance, I would strongly encourage you to attend:  I mean, full brass, orchestra, 130-some-odd voices, and some stellar soloists?  It's going to be boss.

However, if you cannot, livestream that sucker here.

It is my first time being involved in this kind of a production like this.  My voice was rather tired from the first tech-week rehearsal Tuesday, and my manager suggested that I might not actually sing on Tuesday night's rehearsal.  See, the thing is, when the orchestra is roaring beneath you and you feel the bass drum reverberating in your chest, well, I honestly cannot tell you how loud I sang.  

It's like being at a baseball game, when the home team hits a grand slam.  You are no longer yourself but part of a cheering mass, rising to our feet and shouting without realizing your voice is hoarse entirely as one unit.

I invite you to come be a part of this, too.  Come early to make sure you have a seat!

And if you need something to whet your appetite:  

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