Thursday, March 8, 2018

Poll Results and General Announcements

Hey, all!  

I have the poll results:  Discursive Thoughts and Other Ramblings will stay the title of my blog for the time being, with two more votes than Melvin and Me.  I'm still considering how I might want to work this in as a subtitle later or if I will reintroduce the voting at a later time to see how things change.  

It does occur to me, though, that I didn't take the time to discuss why I was considering the change in the first place.  

On the original title, Discursive Thoughts and Other Ramblings:  Firstly, I was surprised at a few discussions I had where persons didn't know the meaning of this original title.  And then I had to sit there and try to articulate it, which was harder than I had expected.  My understanding (and the top dictionary definition) is that this would imply that I would be jumping from topic to topic, chaining together ideas without any particular flow from thought to thought.  Yes, this means that the "and Other Ramblings" is a little bit redundant, but I prefer to think of it as emphasis.  This is also an attempt at self-depreciating humor.  However, what did surprise me when I Googled my blog title was the number of hits regarding Buddhism and the second entry in the dictionary that defined discursive as simplifying larger concepts through analytical reasoning or otherwise logical thinking/processes.  I appreciate very much how both can work and want to believe that I somehow did it on purpose.   

Regarding Melvin and Me:  My life has significantly changed now with the permanent colostomy that I playfully call Melvin.  This is a perspective on the world that is definitely outside of the norm, and I think all the more interesting because of it.  Why not make it the showpiece?  Also, it is catchier and a little less pretentious.  However, I found that some of the resistance to this title was that other bodies did not want Melvin to define me--I appreciate that thought, however, I have confidence that it won't.  

So, that said, I am considering shaking up the design of the website that incorporates Melvin in some capacity but otherwise keeping the title for the time being.  Thanks to those that took a moment to vote!  

Now, some of you may have noticed that February, while being a shorter month, was a very prolific month as far as blog posts.  I have made a very healthy change into my schedule--I have put some dedicated writing time into my week.  And it feels gooooooood.  I find ideas flow more freely (at least for now), and I carry that certain kind of peace when I have created something that is good to have with some consistency.   

Some of you may have also noticed that Tuesdays seem to be my posting day of choice.  That consistency happened initially by accident, but I feel I can say with some confidence that I will be making this my official update day in the future.  There may be a bonus post in the week (most often Thursdays, case in point), but Tuesdays are the schedule I am holding myself to.  

Additionally, I do want to discuss a fear I have had.  I don't try to think of my blog in terms of what will make people click on posts or what will get the most reads, but I admit that those elements cross my mind from time to time (feedback is nice, after all).  As part of this, I have worried before that I've had too many heavy posts in a row or two many long ones and need to break it up with something funny or quippy or short, even when I don't feel any of those things at the moment.  Andy suggested I stockpile these moments, to which I patiently explained that I had already gone through those.  So, I have resigned to try to stop worrying about the mood of the blog, that if it is heavy for a while, it can be heavy for a while.  I can also give myself the freedom to write something glib.  Not everything I put out there has to be a long confession, introspective, philosophical, or whatever else, but there have been a lot of serious things to talk about for a while, and that's more what I've needed.  (And now we'll have an upcoming blog on why I write this blog, that my brain is on that tangent...)

Anyway, thank you all for taking the time to read these components that I string together.  I have spoken to a good handful of folk that have found something that resonated with them and it fills a warm place in my heart.  I'm all too happy to discuss things further with you, too.  

Much love, all.  Until next time.

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