Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Return of the Blog

AHHHHH!  After [fifteen months] I'm free [from nursing school]!  It's time to conquer [the NCLEX]!

Well, it kind of feels like that.  It's finals week, and we're celebrating the homestretch.  And, yes, it's starting to also feel pretty real.  

My post-it to-do lists started dwindling.  The chapters left to read did not have new ones added.  I've shelled out a chunk of money for my licensure testing.  And now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the sudden shift of everything.  For example, I can binge watch a show without feeling guilty about avoiding my classwork.  ...And then I felt pretty terrified, because I still find blank space rather triggering, putting me back into mental spaces where I was immobilized due to illness.  So I started writing a list of things that I was looking forward to, mixed with some tasks that simply needed doing.

  • Reading...FOR FUN
  • Drawing a new family portrait in charcoal
  • Fun doodling on my Surface and/or resuming Bob Ross Parties
  • Fix the drywall hole in our closet
  • Finishing up the last few pieces of our bathroom project
  • Remember what a workout schedule is, particularly if it can involve a pool
  • Get a semi-regular walking schedule with Luna
  • Prep for the NCLEX
  • Hanging with some good friends this weekend :D
  • Getting a tattoo :D
  • Getting some good catch-up conversations started

I'm also picking up several tech shifts, to absorb everything that I possibly can.  Every shift I am picking up something new, whether it's the minutia of things that must be done but cannot be well-articulated in a welcome packet or a helpful trick that someone has cultivated over years of practice.  And I get to start thinking about some of those next things.  At the same time, I have a lot of processing to do on some of what they hell just happened.  

It's good to be back. 

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